Astrotheology: The Truth about Jesus Christ  and the New Testament

the rebirth of the sun from the dead...the winter solstice


The Winters Solstice is also know as Yule, Christmas, and Saturnalia and it occurs in mid-December. It is a celebration of the new Solar year and the beginning of Winter. The Goddess manifest as the Great Mother and the God as the Sun Child. The God also appears as Santa Claus and the Old Man Winter. The Colors associated with it are Red, Green, and White. This is a festival of inner renewal.

Today, many people in Western-based cultures refer to this holiday as "Christmas." Yet a look into its origins of Christmas reveals its Pagan roots. Emperor Aurelian established December 25 as the birthday of the "Invincible Sun" in the third century as part of the Roman Winter Solstice celebrations. Shortly thereafter, in 273, the Christian church selected this day to represent the birthday of Jesus, and by 336, this Roman solar feast day was Christianized. January 6, celebrated as Epiphany in Christendom and linked with the visit of the Magi, was originally an Egyptian date for the Winter Solstice.

Most of the customs, lore, symbols, and rituals associated with "Christmas" actually are linked to Winter Solstice celebrations of ancient Pagan cultures. While Christian mythology is interwoven with contemporary observances of this holiday time, its Pagan nature is still strong and apparent.

Winter Solstice has been celebrated in cultures the world over for thousands of years. This start of the solar year is a celebration of Light and the rebirth of the Sun. In old Europe, it was known as Yule, from the Norse, Jul, meaning wheel.

Today, many people in Western-based cultures refer to this holiday as "Christmas." Yet a look into its origins of Christmas reveals its Pagan roots.

Answer for yourself: Do you know why this day and period of time of the year was held sacred? Simply because this is Astro-theology at its best. This is the time of the Winter Solstice. People have celebrated the middle of winter for centuries. Winter Solstice is the longest night of winter, after which each of the days grow progressively longer until the Summer Solstice. Many cultures celebrated this sign of winter's waning and traditions of the Solstice have continued into today's other Winter Festivals. The importance of agriculture in early societies made the seasons very important to their celebrations. Spring and Summer were times of new life and Fall was the time of the Harvest. Winter, cold and dark, was a time of little sunlight. The sun's light weakened towards Winter, and people feared that it might disappear completely. In order to honor the sun, people celebrated. If they honored the sun, they felt it would return quickly and completely. Music, bonfires, and feasts were used to honor the sun back to its full strength. The importance of the lights of Hanukkah and Christmas could be said to have Solstice origins. The ancient Romans celebrated Saturnalia, beginning December 17th. Saturnalia honored the god of agriculture, Saturn. This was a time of feasting, gift-giving, and visiting. Evergreen trees were covered with fruit and other decorations, and candles were popular gifts. Elements of Saturnalia can be seen in Winter Solstice and other Winter celebrations today.

But more to the point the Ancients noticed in very ancient times that during the solstice period, the sun which was travelling south into the cold of winter and would descend until it reached a point where it would stop. In {short description of image}the winter the days are short and the Sun in low in the sky. The Winter Solstice is the day when the Sun is the lowest in the southern sky. During the short winter days the Sun does not rise exactly in the east, but instead rises just south of east and it sets south of west. Each day after the winter solstice, which occurs on December 21st, the Sun's path becomes a little higher in the southern sky after having remained motionless in the sky for 3 days. The Sun also begins to rise closer to the east and set closer to the west until we reach the day when it rises exactly east and sets exactly west. This day is called the equinox. In fact this is what the word 'solstice' means, 'sun standing still.' This most southerly position of the sun is marked on all globes, as the tropic of Capricorn, for it is in that sign that this event takes place. Notice if you will that the Sun seems to sinking lower into the horizon as winter approaches and the days possess less daylight and heat. That means less photosynthesis and less harvests and food supplies diminishing. Ancient man feared the darkness for it was personified death to him. In the absence of light from the Sun then man was vulnerable to bad and evil things happening to him. In fact we get the term "the devil" from this concept as the Ancients connected the ideas of "evil" and "darkness" together. To the Ancients the dark was "evil" and they called it the "dark-evil" or the "d-evil" or the "devil". I hope you see this. Darkness brought the threat of attack from enemies he could not see, the capture of his women and family by invaders, the threat of attach by predator animals or poisonous snakes let alone the absence of light and heat that promised food for tomorrows. In such conditions as the Sun, the provider of light, security, safety, heat, and photosynthesis and the abundance of food stuffs was the Savior of the Ancients. So when we speak of the Winter Solstice it is rather easy knowing this that as the Sun sank deeper into the southern horizon on a daily basis and with less light every day to the point that the path of the Sun had moved further down the sky to where it had remained motionless for 3 days at the Winter Solstice then the ancients considered that the sun had actually died. In fact, the great orb, would remain standing still for three days neither moving north or south. Then, it was noticed, that on the third day, the sun would begin moving northward again.

Answer for yourself: Can you now see and understand why it was always said that the sun, the light of the world, would die for three days and then on the third day rise again?

Answer for yourself: Are you aware that this was known thousands of years before Christianity came on the scene?

We must never forget that the primary, motivating factor that inspired early man to worship God, was his fear and dread of the potential fierceness of his environment. His (primitive man) major impetus for worshipping and sacrificing to the Sun God was to assure that the Sun God would continue protecting mankind from the ravages of the dreaded winter.

So for primitive man, the inception of winter, Dec. 22, was the worst day of every year for him. This day, Dec. 22 was the start of winter and marked the beginning of the worst stage of his yearly struggle for survival. This day, Dec. 22, is referred to by astronomers as the Winter Solstice. This word, Solstice, according to Webster's Dictionary means "to stand still, pause, a turning point." Primitive man even believed the Sun had died as he could detect no movement of the Sun in the sky for 3 days and and these 3 days were days having the shortest daylight of the year. This day, Dec. 22, the start of winter, was the harbinger of his potential perdition.

On Dec. 22 of each year, the Sun reached its Winter Solstice, the lowest point of the trajectory (angle of rays) of the entire year as depicted in the picture above. After Dec. 22 (the turning point), the Sun again rises northward, which is a sign that summer shall come again! God's salvation in the Sun was on its way to mankind!

Even though Dec. 22 marks the beginning of winter and the weather turns progressively worst from that point (Dec. 22) until the spring (March 21), all is not lost. Because the fact that the angle of the Sun's rays projecting on the earth, was moving progressively northward told early man that the warmth and comfort of the summer Sun would eventually prevail. His faith was renewed that he and his family would be "saved" by God who controlled the movement of the Sun and the Stars. God was speaking to the Ancients from Heaven through the movement of the Sun and the Stars and this was man's first salvation message.

But there was a period of doubt, for early primitive civilization. Primitive man did not understand our universe and solar system as we do today. We, today, know exactly what causes the four seasons of the year. But early man did not; at least not for awhile until we come to Egypt. He did not possess knowledge of our Solar System, the axis of the earth, its rotation and revolving around the Sun. He did not understand that these forces operated by a Natural, Providential Law, that would stay its course, no matter what. Early man only understood the result, not the cause. Because of this he would "reason" such events as best he could and these resulting "myths" would be handed down among mankind until Science would advance to replace such foolishness. The problem is that such foolishness would be later personified into acts of each nation's heroes and later "literalized" by Rome as they lifted this from the realm of allegory and in so doing was ascribed to Jesus by the Sun-worshipping Romans who had control over the New Testament.

Now you can better understand that each year, early society awaited the approach of Dec. 22, with foreboding. Dec. 22, the day of the Winter Solstice (definition is to stand still) was a day of reckoning for them. Because it seemed to them, as they observed and tracked the North to South movement of the Sun, that on this day Dec. 22, the sun entered its grave. The North to South progression of the Sun can be likened to a swinging pendulum. You know that when a pendulum reaches its solstice (the point where it swings back - its turning point), that for a slight imperceptible moment, it actually stands still. But in terms of our vast solar system, the point of solstice is not imperceptible. It lasts for days, three days to be exact. For three days, after the sun reaches its solstice, it appears to stand still. This period of pause, between the Suns descent and Ascent, wrought paralyzing dread and fear into the hearts and minds of the early pre-Christians. Over time, they established rituals and traditions concerning this period (Dec. 22 to Dec. 25). They passed the word through oral tradition, and eventually, after their societies established writing, wrote it down, concerning their Sun God: the sun shall lay in a grave (point of solstice) for 3 days. But after 3 days the sun shall rise, be resurrected, (according to Webster’s Dictionary, the word resurrect is linked to the word resurge, which means "To Rise Again", to revive), and ascend toward heaven, (progressively ascend northward to the position of the summer Sun).

Answer for yourself: Can you begin to see that when the Sun and its path through the Heavens was later personified and then later "literalized" by Rome that out comes the "Jesus Story"?

1 Cor 15:14 14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. (KJV)

Answer for yourself: Risen? As in Sun or the personified form of the Sun as the "Son of the Sun"?

And when the sun completes its ascent upward toward the point of its summer solstice, it will comfort us and bless us with warm weather and long days and will save us (be a savior) from the ravages of winter. So, this, that I have explained to you here, is the ORIGINAL, authentic, true CONCEPT of the resurrection. As the revelation of God would grow among Mankind, men could see how the God of the Universe has spoken such to them in the Cosmos. Egypt understood it best: God was speaking to them of His true salvation message through the path of the Sun which followed Universal and Cosmic Laws: birth, life, death, and rebirth. God was speaking to mankind through the movement of the Heavens that all live must follow the Divine Order and Laws of God and when done then harmony is produced and the ultimate salvation of mankind is realized through his birth, life, death, and rebirth as seen the God's Heavens above, God's Nature around them as well as the internal workings of the body which follow these same Laws of God.

When the pre-Christians spoke and wrote of the resurrection of the Sun; they meant exactly that. It did not refer to a person, but to the SOLAR SUN. That would come later. We see the the culminating of it in the teachings of Jesus and Judaism.

Now understand I believe in the resurrection of the dead as well as "the Christ" but as a Divine Concept within all mankind. That is what Paul and his authentic 7 epistles taught:

Col 1:27 27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: (KJV)

What you, the reader must be sharp enough to see, is that many "untruths" have been mixed with "truths" in the life of Jesus as portrayed in the New Testament and "cast out the leaven."

But, when the Gentile Church broke from their Jewish Roots the Gentile priesthood began to associated with the inherited traditions about Jesus their older "religious traditions" of the Sun-gods. Long ago their Gentile ancestors had changed the Sun to Son. The priesthood told the pagans that the SON (Christ) was born on Dec. 25, just like their SUN. They told them that the Son had been dead in a grave for three days and then was resurrected (revived) and ascended to heaven (upward) just like their Sun.

Answer for yourself: Looking at the astronomy and astrology down through recorded history let alone a comparison of comparative religions this seems rather unlikely. The religious texts we inherited from Rome are definitely questionable. Yet this is totally a matter of faith for you, the reader.




Emperor Aurelian established December 25 as the birthday of the "Invincible Sun" in the third century as part of the Roman Winter Solstice celebrations. Shortly thereafter, in 273, the Christian church selected this day to represent the birthday of Jesus, and by 336, this Roman solar feast day was Christianized. January 6, celebrated as Epiphany in Christendom and linked with the visit of the Magi, was originally an Egyptian date for the Winter Solstice. If you have ever studied the Jewish Roots of Christianity you can easily see that Yeshua was conceived at Hanukkah (the Festival of Lights...light to the world) and was born at the High Holy Days (9 months later). This is why Bet Emet exists in hopes we can sanctify ourselves before our LORD and one day meet Him with truth and lives lived in this truth accordingly!

Most of the customs, lore, symbols, and rituals associated with "Christmas" actually are linked to Winter Solstice celebrations of ancient Pagan cultures. In closing "Pagan" does not always mean "evil or bad." But to attribute celestial events to Jesus, the assumed Messiah of many, and teach them as literal truth is not truthful!

  • Bet Emet Ministries
  • Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.
  • 902 Cardigan
  • Garland, Texas 75040
  • 972-4964238

[email protected]